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Gay for the Stay or Gay to Stay

"One day, I (Sophia) was screaming in emotional agony, curled up into a ball on the floor of the kitchen, when she (roommate) walked in. She couldn’t stand seeing me that way and yelled, “I don’t care what you choose! I will love you whatever you decide! I just don’t want to see you going on this way!”

It was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. Unconditional love. I felt the love of God through her words. That completely melted and softened my heart to the point that I stopped crying, the mental anguish ceased, and I felt peace knowing that I could choose to be with my girlfriend or not and God will love me the same.

All the pressure to choose this or that went away. You cannot possibly make a good choice when you’re being forced to or are feeling a ton of pressure. God died to set us free from the “have-to’s.” He simply says, “Follow Me…if you want to.” And if we don’t, it will suck for us and we won’t have a blessed life, but He still loves us. His love doesn’t change. In that moment, when I felt the freedom to choose either way, my real desire came to the surface...."

We invite you to read the book for more of her story. ( Are You Willing?: Sharing Our Greatest Treasure, Stories About Loving All People With Grace, Mercy And Truth)

This is one excerpt of my friend, Sophia's story in the book Are You Willing? Why the title? Many reasons but an overriding one is that Jesus wept over Jerusalem with such desire and grief, and with a heart yearning and call for, ANY WILLING to come and take refuge in Him; He even invited murderers, knowing He would pay the price in full for all sin on His Cross for whosoever believes in Him! He is Resurrection Life!

We are ALL invited to come to Jesus but are we willing to come to Jesus?

Jesus invites us with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE while we are in our sins Christ died for us!!!

God's Love and Mercy and Grace is greater than we have lived. His Spirit, Truth, Blood Atonement for our sin's forgiveness and His Justice connect these foundational essentials and all can find victory at His Cross and full overcoming of the world at His Resurrection.

This section of a devotional by Nicky Gumble in The Youth Version of Read The Bible in Year (on You Version App) 1-28-2024 may be helpful to illuminate "the importance of choice" that God gives us:

"Matthew 18:10-35

Understand the relationship between human freedom and suffering

God loves you. Love is not love if it is forced; it can only be love if there is a real choice. God gave human beings a choice and the freedom to love or not to love. So much suffering is caused by us choosing not to love God or others: ‘The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods’ (Psalm 16:4).

However, Jesus expressly rejects the automatic link between sin and suffering (John 9:1–3)." end of quote.

I (Deborah) have been staggered and wounded by the similarities and sadnesses in two institutions, the prison and the churches I have visited! They are more alike than I ever dreamed possible in my experience!


I experienced two obvious pendulum swings and sides in both the prisons/jails and the churches I have visited:

1: HATE and severe prejudice/persecution for Gays or

2. Full Exalting of the Gay Lifestyle to Stay or "Gay For the Stay" fully participated in by many.

A full acceptance and love of the person is The Gospel Way! The hate and severe prejudice/persecution needs repented of and a drastic change and mentality needs ushered in!!

My questions: How does Jesus view it all? How do true born again believers follow Jesus in living His Love and Truth by His Spirit toward all LGBTQ individuals?

Do you, or someone you love, identify with Sophia as she was balled up on the floor desperate for the pain (love, identity, confusion, sexual pain...) to be lifted?

She knew she could not make the change. She could not cross over. Her identity was rooted in her deep love, connection and relationship with a woman she was drawn to like a magnet from the start.

But the unconditional love of God was a springboard for her. My heart is to see the Unconditional love and truth of God to be unleashed in our world today and see God's Revival take place.

I grieve for all the times God was leading revival and I hindered His grace in my life by my distrust and disobedience. I pray my obedience to share these experiences will spark revival in the hearts of readers. IN JESUS' Name, Amen.

This song spoke to me and seems related to the post--specifically Sophia's story...

here are the lyrics:

Forever Reign

Song by Hillsong Worship and Reuben Morgan

You are good, You are good

When there's nothing good in me

You are love, You are love

On display for all to see

You are light, You are light

When the darkness closes in

You are hope, You are hope

You are peace, You are peace

When my fear is crippling

You are true, You are true

Even in my wandering

You are joy, You are joy

You're the reason that I sing

You are life, You are life

In You, death has lost its sting

Come on

Oh, I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms

The riches of Your love

Will always be enough

Nothing compares to Your embrace

Light of the world forever reign

You are more, You are more

Than my words will ever say

You are Lord, You are Lord

All creation will proclaim

You are here, You are here

In Your presence, I'm made whole

You are God, You are God

Of all else I'm letting go

Oh, I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms

The riches of Your love

Will always be enough

Nothing compares to Your embrace

Light of the world forever reign

My heart will sing

No other name



My heart will sing

No other name



My heart will sing

No other name



My heart will sing

No other name



Oh, I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms

The riches of Your love

Will always be enough

Nothing compares to Your embrace

Light of the world forever reign

I'm running to Your arms

I'm running to Your arms

The riches of Your love

Will always be enough

Nothing compares to Your embrace

Light of the world forever reign

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Jason Ingram / Reuben Timothy Morgan

Forever Reign lyrics © Sony/atv Timber Publishing, West Main Music, Spirit Catalogue Holdings, S.a.r.l., Hillsong Music Publishing Australia

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