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Gayology 101 Edited 1-28-2024

"Gay 'To Stay'

Gay “For the Stay”

Gay Don’t Stay, Please Go Away

Gay Born That Way

Gay from Abuse They Say..".

Few subjects cause more controversy, conflict, division and differing "standings" or standpoints like homosexuality.

"Gay To Stay”: People that wanted to be straight, tried to be straight" by their own self proclaimed intention, state that they were originally leaders in the Exodus International Organization. But overtime some have come to embrace homosexuality and have renounced their alliance to beliefs and past attempts to be straight. Some believe God is ok homosexuality and believe it is NOT sin.

#OurAmericawithLisaLingWeb Exclusive Interview: 5 "Ex-Gay" Survivors Share their Stories | Our America with Lisa Ling

Watching this video can bring about differing perspectives. Some realize more than ever that the main agenda of Ex Gay Survivors is to declare homosexuality is not sin and should be acceptable to all people as normal. Others feel Ex Gay Survivors betray their Christianity and that these "survivors" are deceived and unbiblical. Dramatically opposing stances.

Since homosexuality is now prevalent in many Christian families and or circles of influence in most everyones life, it is now a question of how to maintain a relationship with a relative or acquaintance and still maintain any conviction one has that differs from the relative or person that believes different than you do?

This is especially a question, namely if you believe that God declares homosexuality a sin.

Teaching young children is another issue. Some say we are to teach the normalcy of LGBT lifestyles and promote LBGT and others fully oppose and organize presenters for the Gospel definition of family. But are they stating the views of Christ in His love, Holy Spirit's Truth and Grace?

Gay “For the Stay”

This mantra is well known among inmates and perhaps in environments where access to heterosexuals is unavailable.

Self proclaimed Christians have shared that they have partaken of homosexual activities while heterosexuals are unavailable but as soon as heterosexual partners are available, the "gay lifestyle" is abandoned for heterosexual activity.

Being gay (in a maximum security prison) was written about as "the absolute worst or abhorrent behavior, where beating and violence towards gays, even murder, was justified." This is “my take-away” from sections of the the book A Place To Stand by Jimmy Baca. I do not stand with him at that place at all!

On the opposite end of the pendulum and in many jails and churches, homosexuality is considered a pinnacle of gold. A cherished opportunity and a privilege or fortunate blessing... that was the case in a jail I ministered in back in 2019/2020 in Colorado and churches I have read about and heard testimony from.

Gay Don’t Stay, Please Go Away

Many have googled "Why did God make me Gay?"

At one time it had one of the highest numbers of google searches. Many feel homosexuality is completely unwanted but feel they have no choice in the matter.

Gay Born That Way: Books and courses are written about this controversy. This blog is not the place to go into this discussion. But know it affects so many. And many have committed suicide in their pain and feelings of rejection and fears.

Gay from Abuse They Say..".

The hurt and pain from sexual abuse is overwhelming and the answers may not be known in this lifetime. Some statistics say 70% or more LBGTQ’s were sexually abused as children.

The report on the priests in PA and the SBC uncovering of horrific abuses in 2019 alone is enough to potentially paralyze a person's faith or devastate us for life. In the majority of cases the victims lives were utterly ruined and their lives were filled with brokenness, addictions and suicide.

Sexual sin committed against innocent children, most would agree, damages for a lifetime. More than likely there are many people sitting in churches that are so hurt, conflicted, frustrated, questioning and just have not had the boldness and transparency to tell their story or express themselves or know where to go for help!

We Pray The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (Prayer for Peace)

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;where there is sadness, joy.O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console,to be understood as to understand,to be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. In The Name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

The need for relational discipleship and growth in the fruit of the spirit seem evident.

Are we willing to see our own wounds let alone address the wounds of others?

Relational discipleship with the goal of loving and forgiving as Christ has us is so important.

(Potentially Helpful Examples: Training/information: Bill Gilliam, Exchanged Life Ministries.

Neil Anderson, Freedom in Christ.

Thriving Recover Your Life and

Christian Healing Prayer Ministry,

Deeper Walk Ministries)

The above are under the Foundational teaching of Dr. Warner. This is a link to the videos and free handouts.

God has called us to make disciples who walk in their true identity. It is a process for us all, only Christ is sufficient.

"One of the most volatile and important issues facing the Church today is the question of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. The Church cannot duck this question." William Lane Craig

The controversy or debate about homosexuality arouses strong opinions and often anger, hostility and such diverse reactions that often a person is not sure where they stand or how to stand in the onslaught and realities of these responses. The conflicts or serious disagreements and struggles between the differing parties with differing interests seem to have no end but have great potential to change the course of our nation, our churches, our families and individuals.

PAUL in Epistles lived the Gospel fully and the culture was transformed by BORN AGAIN Believers living true to the Grace and Truth Given by INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT….GOSPEL TRUTH AND BORN AGAIN…Changed world…

Ro5:8 Rev 12:11 lifestyles by Believers is what Paul lived but how many are living this today?

How is heterosexual sex outside of marriage different that homosexual sex outside marriage? Is marriage alone the issue?

How does a Christian support loved ones who plan to marry their gay partner?

May Remnant Churches live true to GOD'S WORD IN LOVE 1 Co 13 Love …Worship in Spirit & Truth…Show Grace and Mercy By Holy Spirit...

Here are some resources that you may want to investigate:

This message is the best one I have heard on this subject of loving and blessing LGBYQ/trans with compassion…

The Elephant in the Room


Yet another article. I hope that you are blessed by this…

Excellent article I thought you might like…

God's Best to You and Yours,

Deborah Mott

Bradenton, FL

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