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Be a Star for "#ME TOO's": Join the International Battle to FREE people

Looking for pictures of Shackled Elephants, I came across the below article and thought about the dramatic correlation between these elephants and the #Me Too’s of the world, especially those trapped in the sex trafficking industry or pedophiled in their own home or church!

Sadly the ones trapped by “people mis- handlers” are often in far worse shape than Sunder was as described in the article!

Will we rise up like Paul McCartney and passionately stand for the governments (and individuals...) to do something to stop this victimization and to provide aid for the victims?

We can be Good Samaritans individually and collectively.

The world watches to see who will intervene!

What can one person do? SPEAK UP for one. That is what I have now started to do. We know a spark lights a FIRE! Our words have power. Let’s face it, two words, #ME TOO, went viral in a flash!

I appeal to you to do what is right by our #Me too’s!

If we SAW the horrific ordeals and heartbreaking pictures of what victims have survived we would RISE UP as the ARMY we could be and make significant differences!

Being dragged, confined, injured, raped, or mistreated is a way of life to many!

Let’s do something together. Share this blog. Get others outraged by the facts and by pictures. Uncover the acts. Tell the truth. Help those you personally know to tell their stories. Get involved. Rid denial.

Just as written below about the elephant Sunder, there are multitudes of Me Too’s that have had ‘Years of life ruined by others keeping them and abusing them … and enough is enough.

Like Paul McCartney spoke up for the Elephants, I now shout out a challenge for the Me Too's : ’I most respectfully call on you to use your authority to get #Me Too’s help,….

Let us "Multi-task": Write letters, get musicians involved, pray, give to the cause, stand up for the abused. Like Matthew West got involved in 2010 with the song Broken Girls…it came about because individuals wrote him a letter at his request. One letter after another and a hit song was created.

Like Matthew West requested letters, I request letters to this site: Will you write to share your ideas of how to unite, how to make a difference,? Will you share your story?

This "elephant plight in the middle of our worlds, our rooms" needs to be in NEON LIGHTS OF DISCOVERY and OUTRAGE needs to be the response. The need for individuals to unite and become supporters of campaigns will work to make change! Let us publicize the plight and the “mis-handlers”...let us begin the change...

“‘Many elephants show signs of severe psychological distress, such as swaying, head-bobbing or weaving – behaviour not found in healthy elephants in nature” Abused elephants and abused people have many things in common. Will we learn from them and help free and restore them?

How rewarding to see pictures of Restoration: 1: Saved: Anne the circus elephant, pictured enjoying her first Christmas at her new home in Longleat Safari Park

Picture of happiness: 2: Anne is free of her former life thanks to the generosity of Daily Mail readers and other well-wishers

May many more ABUSERS go on trial because of the evidence of their abuse, betrayal and cruelty, destructions!

“Sir Paul has been a vocal animal rights campaigner, supporting a ban on the trade in dog and cat fur and posing for photos with baby seals to oppose their slaughter.” Will we stand and fight to free people that have been shackled and beaten by the culture of abuse in and outside the church?

We, as true Christians, are called to be "ministers of reconciliation". We are called to be Good Samaritans and we are called to bring by prayer and action, restoration, redemption and Resurrection power to the hopeless, helpless or harassed. SO HELP US LORD GOD!

Danny's Trial: Verdict to be given today

Bella’s Story

My Story: Prep for Leadership Forum Nashville and Teens4Truth Conference Ft Worth and Restoration Fellowship Dec 2 INTRODUCTION of The Elephant Gospel.

Here is the Article I referenced copied from the internet, except for responses and reviews and related articles:

Paul McCartney's plea for the elephant in chains: Star joins international battle to free animal that is shackled and beaten

By Chris Greenwood for the Daily Mail

PUBLISHED: 18:11 EST, 30 July 2012 | UPDATED: 11:01 EST, 5 December 2013


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Routinely beaten and kept so tightly manacled with medieval spiked chains, Sunder the baby elephant cannot take a single step in any direction.

He is in desperate need of treatment for a serious eye injury after being cruelly jabbed with a metal poker by his boy handler.

These are the heartbreaking pictures that have captured the young animal’s horrific ordeal and have moved Sir Paul McCartney to join an international battle to free Sunder.

Suffering: Sunder tethered in the temple shed, where he was taken after being dragged from a forest in the South-West of the country

The former Beatle wants the Indian Government to intervene in the elephant’s plight and has warned ministers in a letter: ‘The world is watching.’

The young animal is confined to a tiny and dark shed at a temple after being dragged from a forest in the South-West of the country.

Sir Paul asked officials to step in and save the elephant after seeing the distressing images of his many injuries.

In a letter to an Indian Government Minister written during rehearsals for the Olympic opening ceremony, the musical legend said the ‘world is watching’.

Brutal: Sunder's feet are chained with spiked manacles so he cannot take a single step in any direction

He said: ‘I have seen photographs of young Sunder, the elephant kept alone in a shed at Jyotiba Temple and put in chains with spikes.

‘I appeal to you to do what is right here and get Sunder post-haste to rehabilitation in the Forest.

‘Years of his life have been ruined by keeping him and abusing him in this way and enough is enough.

‘I most respectfully call on you to use your authority to get Sunder out, placed in your protective custody and eventually integrated into a herd in the forest.’

Multi-tasking: Sir Paul wrote his letter during rehearsals for the Olympic opening ceremony, in which he played the Beatles hit 'Hey Jude'

Humanitarian: Sir Paul, pictured as he closed the opening ceremony, is a vocal animal rights campaigner

The elephant’s plight was discovered by supporters of campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta).

He is held in Kerala where wild young elephants are often captured and brought to temples to represent the Hindu god Ganesha.

Campaigners say there is a growing scandal as many are mistreated as the large and unruly animals are cowed by savage beatings.

Most do not receive any medical care and are fed unsuitable food, leaving them malnourished and distressed.



A spokesman for Peta said Sunder’s handler has gone on the run since his mistreatment was discovered and publicised.

He said: ‘Many elephants show signs of severe psychological distress, such as swaying, head-bobbing or weaving – behaviour not found in healthy elephants in nature.

‘The lack of exercise and the years spent standing in one position on hard concrete amid their own waste lead to painful and crippling foot ailments and arthritis.’

Saved: Anne the circus elephant, pictured enjoying her first Christmas at her new home in Longleat Safari Park

Picture of happiness: Anne is free of her former life thanks to the generosity of Daily Mail readers and other well-wishers

Bobby Roberts Circus, where Anne was kept: Moira and Bobby Roberts are expected to go on trial accused of animal cruelty later this year

Sir Paul has been a vocal animal rights campaigner, supporting a ban on the trade in dog and cat fur and posing for photos with baby seals to oppose their slaughter.

Last year the Daily Mail exposed the ordeal of Anne, Britain’s last circus elephant who was cruelly beaten with a pitchfork by her handler.

Generous readers enabled her to be rehomed at Longleat Safari park where a £400,000 sanctuary will be completed next year.

Her former keepers, circus owners Moira and Bobby Roberts, are expected to go on trial accused of animal cruelty later this year.

To access the petition to free Sunder, visit

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Song by Chris Tomlin Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone to be playing as they open this blog.

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